
Alternatives to Free Logo Maker

Free Logo Maker

Version: 1.30

Intuitive software for creating professional, high-quality logos

Adobe Photoshop CC

Version: 25.2

Popular software for photo editing and manipulation

VinylMaster Xpt

Version: 4

Design pictures and videos with editing tools

MAGIX 3D Maker

Version: 7

Converts text and images into 3D graphics and animations

LICENSE Free Trial version Demo Trial version
LANGUAGE English English English English

Windows 8.1

Windows 10

Windows 8.1

Windows 8

Also compatible with

Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Author JETA DESIGN Adobe Future Corporation Ltd. Xara
 6.0/10 (18)
6.5/10 (10391) 9.0/10 (74) 7.1/10 (198)